I’m getting into the habit of it at least. I’ve been out three Tuesdays in a row. That’s more than none.
& I finally have a new phone that actually takes pictures, so I um. Took. A LOT.
So there will be three posts about this particular trip to the woods! This one is about: the woods!
They’ve been thinning them where I chose to park, probably to make more room for meadows for the cows, which appear to have taken the place of buffalo in this ecosystem. (Cows appear later.)
It makes for nice terrain for the cats, at least, who enjoyed hopping over tree trunks, & perching on the taller ones.

I took a good long walk. Both boys followed me the whole way, which was fairly impressive — cats are NOT built for endurance, & we probably walked a mile or so. We took our sweet time, of course, & by ‘we’ I mean they did, & I stopped pretty often to let them catch up.
This little grove of young ponderosa pines caught my eye. They’re all just about the same age, & they line up pretty neatly into lines, & I don’t know why the rangers felt the need to plant a grove in that particular spot, but apparently it hadda happen.
I would like to put my house right in the middle of them.

Bones of long-dead creatures. For Adhemar, as always.

The sky was AMAZING. Such a deep blue, & then the clouds rolled in, & I didn’t get any pictures of that part, but that was amazing too.

& then there were cows!

I only got anywhere near them because I was in the van at the time. Also, Thoreau traffic jam:

They got out of my way, but they were NOT happy about it.
More later!