about the vagabond tabby

the road so far

Booth Flowers

the vagabond tabby started out in 2008 as • om shanti handcrafts • (a lot’s changed since then • two name changes • website redesigns • so many label redesigns • so many cross-country moves)

but it’s mostly the same at heart • i love what i do, i love making new scents • testing them is kinda the best thing • i love finding ways to make crap into beautiful jewelry • plus i get to travel all over • go to sca events in so many kingdoms • work at home with my cats • (i don’t have to leave them behind ever)

trickster’s trash

jj cat

one of the places i stayed for a while on the long road here • (one of MANY) • there was a lovely creek nearby • just at the end of the road • & what did i find along its banks? • seaglass! • (actually creek glass i guess) • of course i collected all i found • eventually started making things from it

wound up with a whole bunch of copper wire from my brother-in-law • various other folks started sending me beads & findings & random Stuff they weren’t gonna use • you name it, i’ve probably made something out of it

thus was born trickster’s trash • a wholly-owned subsidiary of the vagabond tabby • & definitely an entirely different approach to crap

& now it’s not just me!

over the last, tumultuous couple of years I’ve gone from a solo act • living in other peoples’ houses, never sure when i’d have to move on again • (& AGAIN) • to owning five acres of land • with, so far, a cargo container & a tiny house • & most importantly? • IT’S NOT JUST ME ANY MORE

we’re working to build a queer disabled artist commune • on account of all four of us (so far) • are all of the above • it’s hella hard work • but everything we build here? • we get to KEEP

check the crew page to find out more!

we’re fans of the earth around here


we only get the one, after all • & we’d all like still having a place to live • we do what we can • our containers are mostly glass & all recyclable • we reuse boxes when we can • & all our packing material is recycled

everything here on our commune runs off of solar • we recycle & compost • the land we’re living on is old used-up farmland • & we’re working to restore it to decent soil • it’s a lot, but it’s worth it

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