cats: off into the distance edition

[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is hunkered up on the white roof of a popup tent, visibly preparing to jump onto the roof of the yellow cargo container next to it. ]

Tom buggered off vigorously. He’s like that.


[ He’s walking along a row of old tires lined up on Borgia’s roof, about to step from one to the next. Tyrava’s parked right next to the container, white tarp roof gleaming in the sun. ]

He really likes being able to get up on Borgia’s roof, especially now that it’s piled with dead tires & the various bits of lumber we were using to prop up the solar panels until we gave up & brought them down to the ground. Plenty to climb & play on. Plus he can go from there right to Tyrava’s roof.

Yup, there he is … HEY.


[ My most horrible tomcat has his hindpaws braced against Borgia’s roof, perfectly placed so that he can dig his foreclaws into the tarp covering Tyrava’s roof, which is, of course, what he’s doing. Vigorously. ]




[ All of Tom’s paws are up on Tyrava’s roof now. He’s looking straight at me. ]

… what?

At which point … well, what am I gonna do?

Keep taking pictures. I guess.


[ Tom’s back on the popup roof, staring up at the window again. ]

Eventually he made his way back.

Quite a bit later, during which time I stood there with camera at the ready, hoping to get a really embarrassing picture, he finally attempted the window.


[ Tom’s precariously perched on the window ledge, both forepaws firmly planted, one hindpaw just catching the edge of the plank. ]

I wish I’d got the picture just a moment before — the one where he just had his forepaws on the ledge, & was peeking over, looking rather like a highly-disturbed Kilroy. Seriously embarrassing! Alas, timing.

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