First off this is how Loiosh spent his birthday. I gave thought to doing the same but I’m glad I didn’t, cos I finally got outside to work on Tyrava again for the first time since Estrella.
I am very glad that my sawzall still works even though I left it out in the rain in January. While it was still plugged in. I AM LUCKY, I KNOW.
![The sawzall in question is sitting on an overturned washtub, along with a bottle of water & a pair of safety goggles. I forgot to actually use the goggles, mind you. In the background a partially-disassembled pallet leans against a wall.](
I am HELLA out of practice & also my shoulder has been iffy lately so I only took apart half a pallet, but it was enough.
I’m also out of practice with remembering to take enough pictures! I took this one partway through, but I had to take boards off all the way up to the window to put in the denim insulation.
![The wall is covered in boards except for the bottom foot or so. Some white styrofoam insulation is visible below that, & also some vaguely jeans-coloured denim insulation.](
I am REALLY happy with the denim. I wanted the styrofoam for the floor because it’s waterproof, & it made sense to use the rest up on the front wall, but the denim insulates just about as well & is made from old jeans. I’ll use recycled stuff over new-made stuff any day, & the part where I don’t shed small bits of styrofoam all over the back yard every time I cut is nice too.
After probably working longer than was really a good idea (I’m REALLY out of practice & out of shape) I got the front wall done!
![Yep, that entire wall is covered in boards all right!](
Well it’s. Not DONE done.
![It's done up to the arched part of the wall, & then it's not actually done at all. Look! Plywood!](
But I’m leaving the arches for LATER.
I had fun piecing wood together. I used different widths, lengths, thicknesses. It’s anything but smooth, but it looks cool.
![A closer view of the lower part of the wall. All of the boards run horizontally & other than that it's kind of a free-for-all. It looks cool, though.](
The very last piece. I AM A REBEL.
![The very last bottom piece, next to the door, is about four inches high, five inches wide, & runs vertically, because it was slightly faster to do that way & I am TIRED.](
I’d love to find a way to fill in some of the tiny gaps with, like, resin? With sparkly nail polish mixed in it? or something? Like they do with cutting boards & tables & stuff. This kind of thing. But the only way I can think of to do that involves either turning Tyrava so she’s face-down or sticking her in a kiln, so. I’ll think of something.
But it was a good day’s work, & I’m glad to be back at it.
This was posted originally to my Patreon, a little over a week ago.
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