[ Snow caught in green pinyon needles. ]
I really gotta get me & the camera out more often when the snow is still fresh.
Cos it does THIS.

[ A spiky bush sticks out of the snow; next to it, the snow has been blown into tiny dunes. ]
Also it packed down nicely enough to get a REALLY good print of the bottom of my snow boot!

[ My boot print on a stairstep — the treads depict a tipi with a fire in front of it & mountains rising behind. ]
Snow in tiny plant bits.

[ A close view of the spiky bush; snow is caught in between the tiny stems. ]
Plus I tried to get a good picture of these bird footprints, which didn’t really work, but I LOVE what hitting ‘white balance’ did to the picture!

[ Three tiny bird prints in the snow; the image is pretty grainy, and part of it is overlaid with pale blue, while the rest is split between pink and yellow. ]
I wandered around for maybe half an hour, after which I was QUITE happy to just go home. It was a nice walk!