[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, looks out the side door of the van with wide eyes. ]
Tom had some Opinions about taking another walk. (He COULD have stayed at the van. I never make them follow me. They just DO, & then whine about it a lot.)
The spot I picked last week was most of the way up a big hill, with a nice view over the edge, but only MOST of the way, & late in the afternoon, after I’d gotten most of the work done on last week’s Faery Home Decor piece, I decided to climb the rest.
There wasn’t a lot of it, but once I was up there, I decided to wander a bit further, & found a nice spot to sit on a rock in the sun. The boys? Just wanted a break.

[ Tom’s flopped at the base of a big rock, leaning up against it a bit; Loiosh, an orange tabby, lays on a ledge above him, paws curled over the edge & tail waving. ]
Mom. Why you gotta be like this.

[ A closeup of Tom’s handsome face. He’s pretty pointedly NOT looking at me. ]
We all had a nice little break, & then I decided we were going over the edge. No worries, it wasn’t a cliff, just a bunch of rocks.
They both took their sweet time following me. I tried for more Action Shots, but nothing NEAR as good as last time happened.

[ Looking uphill, a steep slope made up of boulders with a single pine tree at the top. Tom is visible picking his way down the slope, about halfway down on the right. ]
They got there. Eventually.

[ Tom’s taking a step from one rock down to the next, just a few feet from the camera now. ]
Tom flopped at my feet, & we waited for Loiosh.

[ Loiosh has paused in making his way down the same slope; he’s standing on a rock, gazing off to the left. He doesn’t blend in NEAR as well as Tom does. ]
… that woulda made a GREAT Dramatical Pose if he’d been closer. Ahh, well.

[ His eyes are squinted mostly closed against the bright sun. He’s just about down to my level, only a few rocks to go. ]
That got us back down to the kinda-ledge the van was on, so we just followed that back around, after which there was, yes, an immediate Flopping.

[ Tom’s flopped again. He does that a lot. He’s got his paws stretched out in front of him, & he’s looking off to the left at something more interesting than me. ]
Same, Tom. Same.