But I mean. HORSES. I didn’t think y’all would mind.
This time the bastards snuck up on me while I was working on tent poles. With a RECIPROCATING SAW. They didn’t care. I turned around when the closest was about fifteen feet away & miiight have shrieked a little. (They did NOT like that.)
Anyway my camera was inside, so I didn’t get any pics just then, & that was the closest they got to me. But later they let me walk out to the propane tank, maybe 20 feet away, before they let me know that that was close enough, which was pretty nice.

I stared at them long enough to determine that they’re all guys — a bachelor herd, I believe they’re called. They spent a bit of time, well, horsing around with each other.

They also spend a LOT of time just. Well. Snuggling? Where one horse would lean his head over his buddy’s neck & they’d just kind of lean on each other. Just. A lot of affection going on.
They let me hang around & watch them for a while, but then it was time for them to wander off again. But not before I got one more really good picture.

I am having SO MUCH FUN having horses around.