oops it’s a burn salve (big jar)


i was TRYING to make more ease the burn sunburn spray • i just wasn’t paying attention • & dumped in olive oil instead of apple cider vinegar • oops?

might not wanna put this on a sunburn right away • (use the spray for that, rubbing HURTS) • but maybe once it’s not so bad • or if you stick your finger in a candle • look, i’ve done it too

anyway i figured i might as well keep making more • seems like y’all like it

(if that’s just too effing much • the smaller one’s this way)

handmade • natural • crap free • guaranteed

• olive oil • shea butter • beeswax • infused calendula, lavender, & St. Johns wort • vitamin e oil

there's this much:

• 4 oz • 118 mL

warnings & disclaimers:

if you want to find out if anything in this interacts with your meds • webmd.com has a good drug interaction lookup thing • please use it! • also, google is your friend!

allergic reactions to my stuff are rare • but it’s your job to remember your allergies & sensitivities • the information presented on this website is not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition • nor to replace the advice or care of a qualified health professional


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