new circular saw!
[ A red Milwaukee circular saw, sitting on a table along with a steel ruler, a green pen, & random boards. ] Innit purty? Also means I can DO things, so Wednesday I went outside & Did things.
new circular saw! Read More »
[ A red Milwaukee circular saw, sitting on a table along with a steel ruler, a green pen, & random boards. ] Innit purty? Also means I can DO things, so Wednesday I went outside & Did things.
new circular saw! Read More »
[ Snow caught in green pinyon needles. ] I really gotta get me & the camera out more often when the snow is still fresh.
small beauties, snow edition Read More »
[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, seen from behind, looking out the front door. There’s a lot of snow out there & he’s having Opinions about that; his tail is caught mid-lash. ] I will freely admit that I was FAR more excited about the snow than the boys were. But Tom did, eventually,
[ Major Tom, a big grey tabby, is standing on my bed, squinting up at the camera. Spread out on the bed in front of him is a pile of stuff — bags of beads, shells, stickers, a bag of cat treats, & more beads. ] It was a good mail day, but I’m not
loot, also: treasure Read More »
[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, stands near the base of a pinyon pine. The sun shines through the branches, and a single ray of sunshine is visible, angling down from the upper right corner of the picture and across Loiosh’s face. ] The colder it gets, the harder it is to
a winter’s stroll Read More »
[ A view of the lake, sun shining on the wind-ruffled water; the far side of the lake, to the right, is iced over. To the left is the shore, mostly rocks with some low dry scrub. ] Bluewater Lake is … it’s just gorgeous, y’all. I mean.
small beauties, other side of the lake edition Read More »
[ A view up a rocky slope topped with evergreen trees. Major Tom is sitting to the right, facing away from the camera, & Loiosh is a small blotch emerging from behind a bush, right at the treeline, about a third of the way across the photo. ] I didn’t get out of the house
lake day, but on the other side this time Read More »
[ A view up a tall, rocky hill that’s really pretty steep in places. It’s the same one I went partway up, with the boys, a couple months back. ] (spoilers cos I know y’all worry: he’s fine) Two days after Christmas, I decided, was gonna be the day we’d finally get to the top!
this time, for sure! Read More »
[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, is seen from behind, where he’s standing on a rock overlooking the highway. There’s a semi with a red cab going past. Loiosh’s tail is waving gently. ] Loiosh: “Mom, when can we get on the road again?” Me: *sobbing* CAN’T COME SOON ENOUGH but in
big rocks day, part the third Read More »
[ Loiosh, an orange tabby wearing a green harness, stands on a tree branch, looking up. ] Loiosh, up a tree. As usual.
big rocks day, part the second Read More »